Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lets start at the very beginning...

Which the Sound of Music tells us, is a "very good place to start." So I am going to go ahead and agree with Julie Andrews and start there: at the beginning.

I started this blog at work, of all places. As usual, I was bored, and after the conversation between me and my friend at work, Liem, the Vietnamese Biochem genius, died down, I had this idea to start a blog. So I did. And it was done.

The next stop on my ADD list of things to now that I created the blog was: what will I call it? Great question, even better answer. I settled on the name 'Little Miss Can't Be Wrong' mostly because if you know me, you know that is my attitude about 75% of the time. But, it is also a shout out to my dad, who, for most of my childhood would sing this song to me when I was trying to get my way or BS my way out of something.

...Not much has changed, so voila!

Anddd okay, okay, confession. This is also the name of my Xanga (yes, I had one. I am not ashamed...) from 9th grade. But that again is a side story, and if you are curious, you can google it.

So the last order of business, and perhaps the most detrimental part of the blog, is WHAT DO I WRITE ABOUT?

I guess that will be for me to decide and for you to read.

But, I with the help of a little red headed vixen (Sarah Stimson! what what!), I think I shall start with my adventures and service in Africa. And expand as my mind choses. And that, ladies and gents, is going to be an adventure in itself :)

So let the journey begin, and enjoy.

Oh, and disclaimer: I am always right. Hence the name.

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